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The Law Office Of Mark B. Morse LLC


Roadway hazards to watch out for this holiday season
  • By: Law Office of Mark B. Morse
  • Published: December 11, 2019

The month of December is one of the most dangerous times of the year for Providence-area drivers. The snow and ice make for slippery road conditions. The shorter days result in limited visibility and increased drowsiness. What makes the holiday season particularly dangerous is the uptick in negligent driving habits. We all know that the holidays can be both cheerful and dreadful -- the pressure to plan celebrations, to complete shopping, and to drink can make drivers behave in ways they don't normally do. How Dangerous Is Driving During The Holiday Season? The National Safety Council estimates that during the Christmas period (which starts at 6 p.m. Christmas Eve and runs through 11:59 p.m. Christmas Day), roughly 422 traffic fatalities may occur across the United States. During the New Year's period (which starts at…Read More

What Should I Do If I Encounter An Aggressive Driver On Providence Roads
  • By: Law Office of Mark B. Morse
  • Published: November 25, 2019

Road rage is a dangerous game some people play on Providence-area roads. What starts as a small mishap or careless mistake can quickly spiral out of control — resulting in someone's injury or death. That's what happened in a 2017 incident on Route 295 in Johnston, according to the Providence Journal. The incident started when the at-fault driver, traveling north, cut off a tow truck driver. After the tow truck driver honked his horn, the passenger car driver reportedly applied his brakes in a provocative manner. As the situation continued to escalate, the driver stopped abruptly in the middle of the road. This dangerous maneuver set off a chain reaction, causing the driver of a box truck to crash into the tow truck. The driver of the box truck was killed in the…Read More

Red-light Runners
  • By: Law Office of Mark B. Morse
  • Published: October 7, 2019

Last year, we discussed national crash figures that concluded a 17 percent increase in fatal crashes involving red light runners occurred from 2012 (696 deaths) to 2016 (811 deaths). Only one year later, fatal crashes caused by drivers who run red lights rose by 28 percent since 2012, according to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. In 2017, a total of 939 people were killed at signalized intersections due to drivers running red lights. The death toll in 2007, which was 914 fatalities, was previously marked as the highest, until it was topped in 2017. On average, passengers and occupants from other cars accounted for nearly half of all fatalities involving red light runners. Pedestrians and bicyclists account for more than five percent. What Are Some Reasons Why Drivers Run Red Lights? It's…Read More

Do Protected Lanes Make Biking In Providence Safer
  • By: Law Office of Mark B. Morse
  • Published: September 20, 2019

In recent years, Providence has struggled with its bicycle infrastructure, but according to local sources, the dots are beginning to connect. As cycling has become increasingly popular throughout the city, infrastructural changes have followed, though more work needs to be done. While bicycle crash-related deaths account for only two percent of all traffic fatalities, they have increased by 25 percent within the last decade, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). Bicyclists are generally safer when travelling in bike lanes. Protected bike lanes — which separate bicyclists from vehicular traffic with physical barriers — are being installed in Providence and several other cities across the United States. A new IIHS study finds that bicyclists may not always be safe when riding in protected bike lanes, however. Where Do The Risks Exist In Protected Bike Lanes?…Read More

Providence Attorney Offers Best Ideas To Prevent Boating Accidents
  • By: Law Office of Mark B. Morse
  • Published: August 28, 2019

During the warmer time of year, Rhode Island's vast waterways offer a place for fishing and recreational boating. Although boating crashes do not occur on the same scale as car accidents, they do happen and can lead to serious injuries and even death when they do. Recently, a woman was killed in a collision in Newport while racing a sailboat. The state Department of Environmental Management (DEM) reports that the woman was operating a two-person catamaran sailboat and competing in the New England 100 Regatta when she was struck by a powerboat. Alcohol was not determined to be a factor in the crash, but a DEM investigation is ongoing — including conducting an autopsy, crash reconstruction, and collecting witness statements. How Common Are Boating Crashes? According to a United States Coast Guard (USCG) report, there were approximately…Read More

Providence Sets Regulations For E-Scooter Rentals
  • By: Law Office of Mark B. Morse
  • Published: July 9, 2019

Motorized electric scooters provide their operators with an inexpensive and enjoyable way to get around in large cities. Several companies have taken advantage of their growing popularity, offering rental stations where visitors – often tourists – can access the devices. Yet e-scooters also present a safety problem, adding another risk to chaotic city streets already crowded with traffic, distracted drivers, pedestrians, motorcycles and bicyclists. According to EHS Today, the biggest problem with e-scooters are the operators. Uninformed, unprepared or discourteous riders sometimes ignore safety protocols. For example, they ride on sidewalks, where they present a hazard to pedestrians. Or they do not follow traffic laws. EHS Today says rental companies must take some responsibility for promoting safety. Companies are urged to protect riders by providing safety equipment and through routine maintenance…Read More

Attorney Offers Best Ideas For Headlights To Avoid Nighttime Crashes
  • By: Law Office of Mark B. Morse
  • Published: June 25, 2019

It’s summer. That means longer hours of daylight for Rhode Island drivers. Nighttime driving still poses a risk, however, as more drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorcyclists travel Rhode Island roadways. When it comes to driving at night, visibility is key. Adequate light is critical for identifying other road users such as motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians. It can prevent crashes by making objects in the road or animals crossing the road more visible, and it can increase the time and distance a driver needs to react to an emergency. How Well Do Your Headlights Work? According to the American Automobile Association (AAA), the majority of traffic fatalities occur at night. However, the risk could be mitigated simply by implementing headlight technology already found in Europe and Canada – adaptive driving beam headlights (ADB). Research…Read More

Rhode Island Attorney Discusses Best Ways To Prevent Bicycle Accidents
  • By: Law Office of Mark B. Morse
  • Published: May 17, 2019

The warm weather is upon us, that means many residents of greater-Providence will leave their cars at home and commute via bicycle. Not only is bicycling a healthy and economically sound way for commuters to get around, it’s a hobby that many people enjoy. An Increase In Bicycles Calls For More Awareness Due to the expansion of the JUMP bike-sharing service, there are more bicycles on Providence streets than ever, according to a Patch article. Bicycle enthusiasts and safety advocates are encouraging communication among drivers and bicyclists through an initiative dubbed “The Rhode Island Waves campaign.” Bari Freeman, Executive Director of Bike Newport, explains, “The Rhode Island Waves campaign was developed in Newport and now Bike Newport is working with the Rhode Island Department of Transportation to expand this campaign across…Read More

A Rhode Island Attorney Reveals The Hidden Dangers Of Tire Failure
  • By: Law Office of Mark B. Morse
  • Published: April 4, 2019

Many drivers make sure to change their oil regularly or bring their car to the mechanic when they hear an unusual sound coming from under the hood. When it comes to tires, some of these same drivers are not so vigilant about their safety. It’s easy to assume everything’s OK, even if the treads are worn or the tire is under-inflated. The reality is that a tire problem may eventually lead to a serious car accident. Tire blowouts have been linked to rollovers of SUVs, among the most popular vehicles on Rhode Island roads. In fact, a faulty tire is more likely to be a factor in a fatal motor vehicle accident than a driver distracted by a smartphone, according the Statesman, which cited National Highway Traffic Safety Administration data. What Are…Read More

A Ri Attorney Discusses Drunk Driver Risk On St. Patrick’s Day
  • By: Law Office of Mark B. Morse
  • Published: March 4, 2019

Everyone likes to claim Irish blood flows through their veins on St. Patrick’s Day. For many people, though, that means consuming large quantities of alcohol, raising their blood alcohol levels to well above the legal limit and posing a danger to other people when they then try to drive in Providence or elsewhere in Rhode Island. It’s not that people have “one drink too many.” On St. Patrick’s Day, some people have way too many drinks. According to “Sobering Up,” which calls itself a “blog about drunk driving, alcohol addiction and criminal justice,” three-quarters of fatal drunk driving crashes on St. Patrick’s Day involve a motorist whose blood alcohol level is twice the legal limit. In the name of pretending to be Irish for one night, these irresponsible partiers ignore…Read More

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