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The Law Office Of Mark B. Morse LLC

Personal Injury Lawyer

Providence, RI

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(401) 831-0555

The Law Office Of Mark B. Morse LLC

Motorcycle Accident FAQs

A: You should always speak with an attorney before accepting any financial offer from an insurance company. A settlement offer is often a "lowball" amount that may not even come close to paying the full, long-term cost of your accident. Reviewing your case with Attorney Mark Morse will help you understand the full cost of your injuries, and he'll go back to the insurance company on your behalf to push for a settlement that will make you whole again.
A: Yes. Insurance companies tend to view motorcyclists as irresponsible thrill-seekers, even though statistically speaking, they are usually not at fault for accidents. An experienced attorney can negotiate with the insurance company to get your medical bills and other costs paid. We know how to counter the arguments they make and achieve positive results for our clients.
A: Ultimately, the insurance company for the at-fault driver should be responsible for paying your medical bills - but they won't pay until your treatment is complete, and your medical providers will want to be paid right away. As your attorney, our first step will be to look for any applicable insurance coverage that you may have, such as medical payments coverage or employer-provided health insurance. Depending on your policy, your insurance carrier may or may not cover injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident. If you don't have any applicable coverage, we may be able to work with your medical providers to pay for your care with an attorney's lien. This is an agreement between your doctors and your attorney to provide treatment now without requiring payment up-front; they will be paid once a settlement or verdict in your favor is recovered.
A: In Rhode Island, experienced riders over the age of 21 are not legally required to wear helmets. However, an insurance company could try to use your failure to wear a helmet against you. That's why you need an attorney on your side. We may be able to show that a helmet would not have made much difference in your case - if, for instance, you injured your leg or your back, the question of head protection isn't terribly relevant. And even if you did sustain a head injury that a helmet may have helped to prevent, the motorist who hit you is also responsible for your injuries.
A: You definitely do. Motorcycle accidents often cause injuries with delayed onset symptoms. What may just look like a bruise could actually be a serious internal injury. You could have a traumatic brain injury. Seeing a doctor immediately is the best option for your health. Seeking immediate medical attention will also help protect your legal rights. An insurance company could use any delay in seeking treatment as an excuse to deny your claim. Be sure to document every medical appointment and comply with your doctor's instructions.
A: Unless you have to leave to seek emergency medical attention, remain at the scene and make sure it is safe. You may need to move your bike, if possible, to keep from blocking traffic. Call the police and make sure you get the investigating officer's name and badge number, as well as contact and insurance information for the motorist who hit you and any witnesses to the accident. Keep your comments to anyone else at the accident scene brief and stick to the facts of what happened. Remember that the majority of the time, a motorist, not a motorcycle rider, is at fault for a motorcycle accident. You don't want to say anything that could be construed as admitting fault. Take pictures of the accident scene, including damage to your bike, the other vehicle and any other property damage, as well as skid marks and any visible injuries. You need to collect that evidence quickly before it disappears. As soon as possible after the accident, you need to see a doctor, notify your insurance company - but again, keep your comments brief - and contact us. The sooner you have an attorney in your corner, the better your likely outcome.
Mark B. Morse, Esq.

Call Now To See How We Can Help!
(401) 831-0555

Note: The above information does not constitute legal advice. Unless a retainer agreement has been signed, Mark B. Morse or The Law Office of Mark B. Morse, LLC is not your legal representative, and you should have no expectation that an attorney client relationship has been established.

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