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The Law Office Of Mark B. Morse LLC

Personal Injury Lawyer

Providence, RI

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(401) 831-0555

The Law Office Of Mark B. Morse LLC

Nursing home negligence has two sides. First, there is the betrayal of a special trust placed in management and staff to care for residents. Second, the elder care industry is highly regulated and subject to established standards of care. When these caregivers injure or fail to prevent harm to residents, it may give rise to a medical malpractice claim.

At the Law Office of Mark B. Morse, LLC, we aggressively pursue lawsuits after these devastating and often avoidable tragedies. We hold negligent nursing homes and health care staff accountable for the harm they cause in Providence and throughout Rhode Island.

Liability For The Mistreatment Of Elders

Most elder abuse in nursing homes or assisted living residences is the result of understaffing, poor hiring and training practices, cutting corners, or a failure to properly monitor staff and situations as they arise. The owners see the common signs of neglect or abuse and fail to take proper steps to eliminate the danger.

Stressed and overworked nurses and aides sometimes take out their frustrations residents. Facilities fail to meet proper health care standards under the law. Nursing home owners and managers are liable for any mistreatment, abuse or neglect that causes injury to or the death of someone under their care.

But holding them accountable can be difficult. They may deny responsibility for the injuries or blame them on the patient’s pre-existing conditions. The victim and witnesses may have trouble remembering or articulating what happened. That’s why you need an accomplished nursing home abuse attorney on your side.

We Pursue Full And Fair Compensation For Injury And Loss

Attorney Mark B. Morse is board certified in civil trial law by the National Board of Trial Advocacy. When we represent victims of nursing home negligence and their families, we conduct a thorough investigation into the events surrounding the incident. We look into prior claims against the home or an employee, building a strong case that clearly shows who was responsible for harm and why.

Where nursing home negligence is found, we help clients initiate lawsuits holding owners, managers, staff and others accountable through monetary damages. By doing so, we can help the injured and their families find justice and closure as well as help prevent others from suffering harm in the future. Our clients can rest assured that any compensation we pursue in a nursing home negligence or other injury case will be fair, and our representation will be tenacious.

If you suspect you or a loved one may be a victim of nursing home negligence, contact Attorney Mark B. Morse. All discussions with our firm are strictly confidential, and you don’t owe us a cent until we recover for you. Call 401-831-0555 today.

Common Signs Of Nursing Home Neglect Or Abuse

When you place your relative into a nursing home or elder care facility, you are placing your trust in them to treat your elderly loved one with absolute care, compassion and attention. That is an ethical and moral obligation as well as a legal one – and when the nursing home fails to meet that obligation, it is beyond disappointing and tragic for you and your family.

Sadly, abuse in elder care facilities is more common than most people know. It is essential to pay attention to signs of abuse and neglect and take action. The following are common signs, including some physical injuries, that could indicate nursing home abuse or neglect:

  • Bedsores, malnutrition, dehydration and other signs of neglect
  • Broken bones, cuts, burns and other unexplained injuries
  • Changes in behavior or personality
  • Lack of appetite or change in appetite
  • Medication mistakes, including over-medication
  • Theft of possessions or missing items
  • Assault or threats by staff or other residents and other signs of abuse

It is important to understand that sometimes nursing home abuse or neglect is not just a physical injury. While it is easier to spot a bruise, cut or other physical change in your elderly family member, the emotional and psychological trauma is just as harmful, if not more.

Trust Your Instincts

Whether your mother, father, grandmother, grandfather or other elderly relative is likely the subject of nursing home abuse and neglect, it is time to take immediate legal action. You know your loved one better than anyone else. If your gut is telling you that something is not right, it is imperative that you seek legal counsel from an accomplished attorney who knows how to handle these complex cases. Contact Mark B. Morse today.

Mark B. Morse, Esq.

Call Now To See How We Can Help!
(401) 831-0555

Note: The above information does not constitute legal advice. Unless a retainer agreement has been signed, Mark B. Morse or The Law Office of Mark B. Morse, LLC is not your legal representative, and you should have no expectation that an attorney client relationship has been established.

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